Just the best pin EVA! | Pinterest

Pinterest has to be the best time killer ever. Seriously, I have the best decorated house…but only online. I can spend hours on that site pinning ideas on how to clean my house and keep it organized, instead of actually cleaning and organizing. Tons of crafts that seem to stay in the virtual realm, and then it happened.

I found the most useful pin ever, and it also involves bacon. See what I mean? You’re already thinking this HAS to be good. Prepare to be amazed! Your lunch will never be the same. Here is the pin (this is not an active link as I’m on my phone).


And here is my sandwich. Told you, your life will never be the same. (Btw, mine is turkey bacon). Yum!


iPhone Friday | iPhoneography

It’s Friday! I’m not sure why I still get so excited, it’s not like tomorrow is a “day off.” Everyday is roughly the same when you’re a stay at home mom. Still have to cook, clean, change poopy butts and go insane. 🙂

Since I haven’t done iPhone pics in a while, here they are!

Happy Friday.














Weekly wrap-up | iphoneography

Holy busy week batman! I’ve been swamped lately with my house, homework and well….my dating life. 🙂 I have not forgotten about my blog world and things are finally coming together so I will be posting more. Thank goodness, I feel like I’ve been going through withdrawals!

So since I’m in the middle of writing a paper for class, this is just a quick recap of my week in iPhone pics!


























Random Saturday | iPhoneography

Wow how things can change in an instant. My intention was to have replied to all of you who took the time to comment on my post by now, but something very unexpected happened on Wednesday night. (I promise I am still going to reply and do some blog visiting! I am very excited about that!)

It was a normal day and started off like usual. I have my girls during the days, their father and I have joint custody at the moment and tonight was my night with them. There is a small carnival in town and I planned on taking my girls there to ride the rides and eat cotton candy. It was all my eldest daughter “Sass” could talk about, bless her heart she was so excited. So we go, even though the rain threatened to change our plans, and we had an awesome time.

Both of my girls went on several rides and ate cotton candy and stayed up past their bed times. I knew all that cotton candy was swimming around in their little bellies and they needed some food, so I chose Olive Garden. Both of them just love pasta. And this is when the whole night took a shift for the worst. This is going to sound funny, but I assure you, this was probably some of the worst pains I have EVER experienced, and I have had two children. I put it up there with that.

My girls were all wound up, and I was trying to get one to sit and eat because she was jumping around and the other I was trying to get out of the blinds and sit in her chair, in the middle of this, I took a bite of my salad and the lettuce suctioned up against my esophagus and sent it into crazy spasms. At this point, I had no idea what happened, all I knew I had just aspirated food into my lungs…and here I am with my kids in some of the most severe pain I’ve ever experienced. I sat for a minute to see if it would pass, but it didn’t and next thing I knew I had the whole staff of Olive Garden surrounding me trying to figure out what was wrong. Both of my kids in tears, scared to death. Finally, I have no idea what is going on, it was getting worse so they call 911.

Long story short, I go to the ER where I received the worst care ever, pumped full of morphine and dilaudid along with some muscle relaxers and left in the same condition I went in there. It was just all around a crazy night…..but it does make you think, you just never know how your day will end up. Luckily what happened to me wasn’t life threatening and I am ok now. But your life can be taken from you in an instant….This definitely makes me remember to live everyday like it is your last.

So anyway, the last couple days I have felt like the floor of a taxi cab and I haven’t been online. This is the post I was meaning to have up last Thursday.

I call it Random Saturday (which will go back to being Thursdays next week), which is just a collection of random pics I took with my iPhone and edited with Instagram. 🙂 So with at that, here they are!


This is one of my “things”. I always drink from two straws.


Dislike colder weather, but I love my boots!


My budding photographer. 🙂


She asked me for ice cream and I informed her it was too cold out. So she goes and puts on a turtle neck and a scarf and tells me she is now all dressed for ice cream. How do you say no to that?


Since the bumper seems intact and the sticker is a bit faded, looks as if no one took this person up on their offer…


Seriously, probably the best. pie. EVER!









Even in the hospital I have to take pics…



Me on the curb outside of the hospital at 4am.










Listening to her MP3 player and not wanting her pic taken.


My baby girl and her first ice cream cone!

Thanks for stopping by!


In 24 hours | A Photography Project

First off, can I just say “WOW!”

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to notice I was “Freshly Pressed” on the WordPress homepage bringing in so many wonderful people to my blog. I am truly elated by all the kind words and thoughts left by all of you. Thank you SO much, you really did brighten my day. I am in the process of replying to each and every one of you and visiting your blogs in return. I am overjoyed by all of your visits and I can not thank you all enough for taking the time to let me know you liked my blog, either by a comment or a like. It is truly, truly appreciated.

Today I want to share with you a photography project. A wonderful fellow Blogger named Helen commented on one of my posts the other week and with the visit to her blog, I saw she has some pretty fantastic photos! One of her posts entitled, 24 Hours in Photos 5983 miles apart, gave me the idea to try it out myself, and with her permission, I set out to capture a day in the life of me with photos.

I thought it would be easiest to take a picture with my iPhone every hour on the hour; I even had Siri set all my alarms for me. 🙂 She is very handy. So without further ado, here is my completed project! If you do this, I’d love a link to see your project!

0000-Hanging out in my bed, as happy as can be.

0100-Still awake, that is my view from my pillow looking at the picture above my head.

0200-0700-That’s me being a lazy bum and actually sleeping.

0800-I find my pup laying on my pillow beside my bed. Yes….that is a dog.

0900-Doing Sass’s hair for Preschool.

1000-Waiting on my friend Holly from her driveway below. She is a bit slow in the mornings. 🙂

1100-Checking out pillows at BB&B for my new couch, soon to arrive.

1200-Driving back into my housing community. On my way to pick up my daughter from Preschool.

1300-Getting Sass and Sprout a happy meal after school.

1400-I realized I was “freshly pressed” and I was pretty excited!

1500-I made a camera and Eiffel Tower necklace with stuff I found from Michael’s crafts store.

1600-Getting ready for me to go to school.

1700-“I’ve got my lunch packed up, my shoes tied tight, I hope I don’t get in a fight…” All ready for school!

1800-Me LATE to class…*sigh*

1900-Needing all the poison I can get to stay awake!

2000-Using my time in class wisely by replying to my blog comments!

2100-There is a little carnival in my town, I love Ferris Wheels!

2200-Probably not the best thing to eat before bed, but I was hungry. Leftovers from the night before.

2300-And my bed, before I racked out for the night.



-All photos were taken with my iPhone 4S and edited with Instagram


Rain, rain, rain | iPhoneography

Ahhh the last week was gorgeous. Sunny blue skies, weather that was almost hot, the need to have a BBQ every night, weather that made you know summer was here. Wait, summer? Oh yah, we definitely skipped spring last week and the shorts, tanks and flip flops were pulled out of the closet. I also quickly started to panic that I am not ready for summer clothes! But that is another matter entirely in its own.

But now, now spring is back. And with spring comes rain and cooler weather. I suppose all the budding trees and blooming flowers really need the rain, so I won’t complain…much. But the poor bee I found barely alive on my front step sure will.

And with that, pics from my iPhone.







Cherry Blossom Fest iPhone style | iphoneography

I headed down to the cherry blossom fest here in Washington DC just in time for the sunset. I got more pictures with my actual camera, which I’ll post later, but I couldn’t resist getting some from my phone. I realized I really need a wide angle lens for my camera. I really liked the views my iPhone allowed me to capture. So with that, my iPhone pictures!









I like pink, Paris and black and white…but not wine | iPhoneography

I kind of have an obsession with Paris. I have never been there, except in my fantasies and dreams, but I think of it a lot. It is on my list of places to go and I am planning on it within the next two years. I decided to decorate my youngest daughter’s room with the Parisian theme in the colors of pink, white and sage. But now there is a considerable amount of brown in there too, seeing as I constantly change my mind. I also absolutely adore the black and white Parisian theme, so that became my bathroom. And because I stated I have an obsession, it is also the theme in my room. Except my color scheme is silver, gray and white with a hint of pink.

I think it might be because I am in love with love and romance……….and bread. What? I like bread…..anyway. I have loved I suppose, but I have never really been IN LOVE. You know the kind where you smile ridiculously all day because of the thought of him, and your heart beats wildly with the thought of his name and birds constantly sing loudly where ever you go? Ok, that might be a bit much. But seriously, I have never been so ridiculously in love with someone, and for me, when I think of Paris, I think about that.

Not only that, but I think of all the architecture and history and how beautiful it must be. Just the experience of it all, and one day I will go. Until then, I will dream with the cityscape picture above my head, the little American decorations that are supposed to be Paris like all around my room and be happy in my own little world….Now only if I could improve my relationship with wine. I imagine I’d want to drink wine while there. Just a little bit of information, wine and I are not friends. Honestly, I am not sure if we will ever be, but I am willing to give it another go. My first experience with wine is an odd one and it involved a Ferrari and a guy trying to get in my pants upon the first meeting…was it the wine’s fault? Don’t be silly, of course not, but the massive headache/hangover that followed the next day was. Ugh, I get sick just thinking of it. The douchebag, not the wine. But that part isn’t that nice to reminisce about either.

My second meeting with wine was at a local winery. Apparently I do not know my limits. I seem to be a rockstar when it comes to anything else, but wine? That is a sneaky b**ch. I did a wine tasting then shared a whole bottle of wine with my date and then ya know, couldn’t drive back home. Sure, that wasn’t embarrassing at all. I had a massive hangover THAT DAY. Eff the next morning, it couldn’t wait and the rest of the day I felt like hell….

My third meeting with wine was mixed with Rum and Tequila……that was a disaster. That night also prompted me to buy a glow in the dark Ouija board through my Amazon App. The hangover the next day was unimaginable.

So while some of you might be shaking your head and yelling at me through your computer screens unbeknownst to me, I know that wine is to be sipped and enjoyed…..mind you I know this, now. But at the time of me drinking it, I felt that is what I WAS doing, and I felt just fine. Fine until I had one more sip, or I stood up and then BAM…we were enemies Just Like That.

So since I put this post was about, “iPhonography” (Which honestly, when I say it, the sick part of my mind always reminds me it sounds a LOT like pornography.-Don’t act like you don’t think so too…) I will post some pictures that I took and of course ran through Instagram.

Enjoy! I am off to make chicken stirfry using a teriyaki/soy sauce concoction that I bought in a ridiculously large jug today at Costco.

-What is mounted above my head and with every night I say a silent prayer that the 3M Command Strips hold and does not let this thing fall while I sleep sending me into a coma.

The outfit I bought my daughter today at Costco, black white and pink. 🙂 My youngest one has one similar. I smell a photo shoot soon!

And Me…:)….Needing to make my bed.

And for good measure, my daughter’s kicks….I just love them. And they are pink, so they are kinda relevant to this post. And if not, eff it, I am putting them up anyway because honestly, who doesn’t think baby shoes are cute?