My mug-SPP Part I | Self Portrait Project

As the person who always brings the camera to events, parks, daily activities……the dinner table…It has become apparent that I am hardly in any pictures. These days if I am in the picture, I am usually holding the camera doing one of those ridiculous “facebook” poses and I am NEVER in any candid photos. I always watch those crime shows where people come up missing or something bad happens and they show all these photos from their lives…*none of which they are taking the pics of themselves* and I thought to myself….if God forbid I end up on one of those shows all they are going to have are pictures of me doing this!


So I decided I need to be in more pics. And if I am the one to be taking them at least I won’t LOOK like I am the one taking it. 🙂 Now….would I want these pics on a crime show? Probably not…but it is a step in the right direction. ImageImageImageImage

And what the hell since old habits die hard…


This is just part one of a whole series I plan on doing of self portraits.

**Note, I hate to draw attention to it, because chances are some of you won’t notice, but for those of you who will because it will stick out like a sore thumb, do know I fixed it in the original copy and this is the web version only….**