
I love Christmas, it has to be my favorite holiday and time of the year. I love everything about it, the real reason for Christmas, the santa part, the family gatherings, music, FOOD, decorations….all of it. And yes, maybe even a little snow! I generally decorate here and there for other seasons/holidays, but Christmas takes the cake. The whole house turns into my own little Christmas wonderland and it always makes me so happy. This year will be especially special because this is my and J’s first Christmas. He really loves this time of year as well and it is SO nice to have someone around who loves this as much as I do.

I love being crafty, I am so thankful for Pinterest this year because it has given me SO many ideas of things I can make and ways to decorate. I have to say that I have already started my Christmas crafts and seriously thinking of setting up soon. I know, I know….it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet, but I am “thankful” I can decorate anytime I want. 😉 We are headed home for Thanksgiving so I won’t be able to set up the traditional day after Thanksgiving I usually do. So I am thinking next week is the PERFECT time to start!

The girls are going to have their own tree this year with all of their girly cute ornaments. I think it will be real special watching them decorate their own personal tree however they want. This year mama wants a pretty tree LOL.

So this is my fall decor as of now, and this is probably the extent I am going to go because it is all coming down in a few days.

Sorry about the crappy quality, I used my daughter’s Canon to take these..BOOOOO.

Thanks for looking!


Just the best pin EVA! | Pinterest

Pinterest has to be the best time killer ever. Seriously, I have the best decorated house…but only online. I can spend hours on that site pinning ideas on how to clean my house and keep it organized, instead of actually cleaning and organizing. Tons of crafts that seem to stay in the virtual realm, and then it happened.

I found the most useful pin ever, and it also involves bacon. See what I mean? You’re already thinking this HAS to be good. Prepare to be amazed! Your lunch will never be the same. Here is the pin (this is not an active link as I’m on my phone).


And here is my sandwich. Told you, your life will never be the same. (Btw, mine is turkey bacon). Yum!
